PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (2024)

PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (3)

    • SPT 3.8.0
  • nooky
  • Nov 17th 2023

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

If default SAIN is too hard for you then turn away. PMCs should always be a threat - fast, aggressive and accurate. This preset aims to provide a more challenging SAIN experience.


You WILL die.

Please be sure you have the latest SAIN installed before using this preset!

Friendly reminder - you must use Hard or Impossible PMCs for this preset to work!


SAIN 2.0 - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement

PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (4)

Bots that don't suck.


What is This?

PMC Terminators is a SAIN preset that does a number of things:

- PMCs are more difficult

- Raiders, Rogues are slightly more difficult (more types to come)

- SCAVs are tuned down slightly (mostly vanilla unless in very close quarters)

- Personality assignments based on PMC level and gear

Specifically, some of the major tweaks include:


- CQB distance

- aggression, reaction speed and distance, lose aim speed and more

- recoil and aim kick

- flashlight and NVG usage and visibility

- Personality assignment changes

- higher level PMCs are mostly Gigachad, Chad or Normal

- Gigachad and Chad personalities are only assigned to PMCs with a decent kit (SAIN power level)

- lower level PMCs are a mix of all

- SCAVs are a mix of all personalities except Gigachad, Chad

How to Install

- download & extract to your SPT folder

- load the game, open SAIN GUI (F6 by default)

- select PMC Terminators preset

- gl hf

IMPORTANT: This SAIN preset is currently balanced with ONLY the following difficulties:

- Hard, Impossible PMCs

- Normal SCAVs
- Normal Other types

Settings for other difficulties/bot types are planned. If using SWAG + Donuts, select your bot difficulty from the Donuts F12 menu and/or the SWAG config file

To make sure this is installed correctly, your SAIN/Presets folder should look something like this:

PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (6)

For the best experience using this preset please consider the following
All settings have been tested with the following setup:
Realism Mod
- Realism recoil (with minor tweaks)
- ballistics, gear and attachment overhaul
- Bot HP set to 1.2x
- Player HP increased slightly (~600)
- Headshot Redirect Mod (by Solarint, redirects headshot damage. I have mine set to 45%)

All of this is optional and purely personal preference

Gameplay footage:

  • Bots


  • Version 1.2.1

    • nooky

    PMC Terminators V2 for SAIN 2.2.1

    Please be sure you have the latest SAIN installed before using this preset!

    Friendly reminder - you must use Hard or Impossible PMCs for this preset to work!

    All settings have been tested with the following setup:
    Realism Mod
    - Realism recoil (with minor tweaks)
    - ballistics, gear and attachment overhaul
    - Bot HP set to 1.2x
    - Player HP increased slightly (~600)
    - Headshot Redirect Mod (by Solarint, redirects headshot damage)

    Hard/Impossible PMCs ONLY
    - aggression slightly increased
    - EFT scatter and recoil slightly decreased
    - bot aim punch decreased, aim recovery increased
    - vision improved (will notice you faster from closer range)
    - Gigachads and Chads will sometimes talk trash again

    - ... and more minor tweaks

    PMCs are very fast to react, especially in close quarters combat. Stay safe out there.

    DISCLAIMER: All of my personal settings are purely personal preference.

    • Version 1.2.0

      • nooky

      Welcome to SPT 3.8.0 - get ready to die bozo

      SAIN 2.1.12 IS REQUIRED - be sure you have the latest SAIN installed!

      For Hard/Impossible PMCs only
      Normal/Hard SCAVs

      extract to your spt folder - > play


      • Version 1.1.1

        • nooky


        Hard PMCs, Normal SCAV adjustments

        - hearing ranges reduced slightly for footsteps and gunshots

        - minor accuracy adjustments

        - Chad and Gigachad personality adjustments for aggression and base search

        I've found that bots can be a bit too eager to enter combat when they hear footsteps - after some hearing setting adjustments bot engagements feel more natural, bots spend more time in other brain layers outside of SAIN combat layers since they are not constantly hearing footsteps and gunshot audio from far away.

        Normal SCAVs are a little dumber. PMCs are mostly the same. Install is the same, just extract to your SPT folder and overwrite if necessary. Enjoy.


        • Version 1.1.0

          • nooky

          Please install the latest version of SAIN (2.1.7+)


          - updated to support SAIN 2.1.7

          - EFT Scatter Multiplier decreased for all PMCs 1.0 > 0.7

          - All talk patching is now disabled for all bots. In vanilla SPT, by default Hard and Impossible PMC bots have talking disabled. So intended behavior is vanilla bot talking with quiet PMCs (Hard/Impossible)

          Friendly reminder to be sure to select the preset from the SAIN GUI (F6) and use Hard or Impossible PMCs.


          • Version 1.0.1

            • nooky


            - Impossible PMC settings added: spawn Impossible PMCs in your raids for even further increased difficulty (if using SWAG + Donuts, select difficulty from the Donuts F12 menu)

            - Personality assignment tweaks: lvl 50 and above PMCs can only be Gigachads, Chads or sometimes Normal. Higher lvl PMCs can no longer be Cowards.

            - Gigachads can taunt now

            Planned: settings for more more bot types (bosses and guards)

            To Install:

            1. Download & extract to your SPT folder, overwrite if needed

            2. select PMC Terminators preset from the SAIN GUI (F6)

            3. select the supported bot difficulties for your spawns

            4. play

            Thank you all for using this preset and I appreciate the feedback! PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (14)

            • Version 1.0.0

              • nooky
              • shell

                Im using this with the new sain release, swag pmcs set to hard, and the pmc’s are justcshooting lazerbeams. Its like goon ai but for every pmc. Im not using realism at all, does that mean bots would have less recoil when firing? I love a challenge but damn they are cutting me in half with iron sighted weapons from 100 meters lol

                • nookyAuthor

                  I need to update the preset, SAIN has changed a good bit since the last release.


              • misterlibido

                Will there quite possibly be an update within the near future? I really like this preset and now with 3.8.3, I'm worried it isn't working properly.

                If it works as usual with SAIN, is there a way to get rid of that error message with it saying it's for an older version? Thank you for what you do nooky.

                • nookyAuthor

                  it's planned, been busy with swag donuts stuff lately


              • alphasinity

                Can't play without it, a must have!

              • Sonic1305

                I really enjoy the preset but I am quite confused what your notice about the bot difficulties mean. You recommend leaving bosses for example on "normal" in the donuts settings but what problems could I get if I change them to "High" for example? Would they be too good or what could happen?

                • alphasinity

                  Most likely they would become extremely difficult.

                • Sonic1305

                  Okay, thanks! What's your impression on boss difficulty in comparison to the pmcs?

              • Nuke_Dukem

                I got a warning that the SAIN version is 2.1.12 and the preset file is 2.1.11. I may expierience issues. Is that legit or does it run fine?

              • ThingHaver

                Got this to reduce my survival rate to something more "normal." Very effective, if frustrating. I certainly die way more now, lol.


              • BraveStarTG

                Please update for 3.8.0.

              • retrogamingvids

                What is the most balanced and recommended configuration for increasing player health and recoil tweaks. Unfortunately, this was not specificed in the description

                • nookyAuthor

                  yeah I kind of did that on purpose, I used to use 675 for a while but I've since decreased my hp down to 550. My rec is play around with the numbers and see what is comfortable for you, I do however recommend high head HP to avoid so many 1 taps (like 80+)

                  for recoil I use mostly default values from Realism except I like a little more visual/cam recoil for some extra "punch"

              • CaTInRusT

                Hi, is it possible to change bosses and raiders difficulty? It is better to ask - how can I make them to be as difficult as in vanilla? Neither pmcs nor scavs only everything alse. I will appreciate your assistance.

                • nookyAuthor

                  Same as all other types, just select the boss name or raiders in the SAIN gui before you start tweaking

                • CaTInRusT

                  I am not shure that it works, I mean tweaking in SAIN gui. I have tried to change either "can talk" option or "talk frequency" ( in default SAIN preset and in PMC Terminators, as well) I want totaly silent pmc and as in online version scavs. However, I have not reached any succes therefore, I was wondering, perhaps I had to change settings in the config files. Nevertheless, as far as I can see, they look similar to each other (I mean PMC Terminators vs default SAIN config files). Also with the same settings (bot talking) scavs are able to talk at PMC Terminators and talkless at default and PMC at PMC Terminators talk some times and talkless at default SAIN. Ecxuse me for so long story, I only want to get some help. In general, i am trying to make SPT similar to live. So that is why I want to change dificulty settings too.

              • gameocontest

                is this more difficult than I like pain difficulty?

                • nookyAuthor

                  Im not sure if its more difficult but I think its a little more fair while still being difficult. Try it and see

              • prezidento#23

                Is there a way to set the difficulty WITHOUT Donuts on? I wanted to try out the Questing Bots spawning system, but it requires Donuts to be off, otherwise too many bots spawn.

                • nookyAuthor

                  sure you don't need a specific spawning system, as long as your PMC bots are "Hard" or "Impossible" difficulty then the preset settings will apply correctly

              • Aziuth



              • Kreefthond

                Love the preset, been using it since release but I have one suggestion. Dont know if this is related to the preset or SAIN but alot of times I see the AI heal themselves almost instantly, making them extremely easy. I believe this occurs when the AI didn't see you yet, and they get hit unexpectedly. Do you know anything about this?

                • nookyAuthor

                  it should be a SAIN behavior, though I'm not sure if there are SAIN settings that affect this in any way. a behavior like that needs more testing/investigation, if you're curious and want to test this yourself please feel free, use BotDebug mod to see what bots are actually doing and get some footage of it.

              • gameocontest

                is this more difficult than the presets above the default sain preset? In terms of both scavs and pmcs and bosses?

                • nookyAuthor

                  generally speaking this preset aims to be more difficult than the default, especially for PMCs. SCAVs are more difficult too just not as much. Bosses, raiders, rogues and other types are also slightly more difficult.

              • WXHLJY

                I like the preset, but I need a harder difficulty, hoping that the robot can hit me more accurately, with stronger bursts, and the robot can often hit me at close range without using the scope PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (45)PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (46)PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (47)

              • pkpenjoyer

                they feel more like stormtroopers than terminators to me

                • PEACEORCHESTRA

                  Not a bad thing to say your good at the game PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (50)PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (51) I adjusted it a bit for me but yeah they can be a little bit of a storm trooper sometimes

                • nookyAuthor

                  how do Impossible PMCs feel since I've added settings for those? I'm genuinely curious, I only use Hard PMCs myself.

                • pkpenjoyer

                  I think they're in a pretty good spot, quick reaction time and pretty accurate with their bursts


              • partynextdoor

                Thank you for making this. Been having a lot of fun with it!

                • partynextdoor

                  Sorry, forgot I had a question -- would it be possible to modify Therapist's treatment fee by a multiplier of some sort (e.g., 1.2x, 2.0x. 4.0x, etc.) somewhere in the files? I hate myself a lot and would like to make death even more punishing. PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (57)


                • Tinyteeth

                  That's way way way FAR outside of the scope of this mod. This might work for you though Expensive Healing

              • nojosen

                love it...


              • BHOP

                Very good, now I die more than online!


              • Tinyteeth

                Awesome nooky, thanks for this, makes my life easier by making it harder PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (65)


              • meppycola

                i already play on death wish so i like this idea already lol, but how much extra HP should i give the player? like 1.25 or so?

                • nookyAuthor

                  it's entirely up to you tbh, I base my HP off of what my survival rate is basically, if I'm feel like I'm dying too much / not enough I'll adjust. most of my deaths legit feel like they were my fault, that's kind of what I aim for.


              • Devraccoon

                This madman 😎 I'mma try this


              • PEACEORCHESTRA

                Hell yeah bro!

                Loved it since you posted it and finally i am getting crapped on by the pmcs lmao


                • PEACEORCHESTRA

                  Hey so do i set the hard difficulty in sain or in donuts?

                • nookyAuthor

                  with Donuts - F12 menu, drop down menus for each bot type

                • PEACEORCHESTRA

                  Ahh ok got it i thought you may have changed things i have it set like that already but yesss they do react very well now


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              PMC Terminators - a custom SAIN preset - SPT Mods Workshop (2024)


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              Name: Arielle Torp

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              Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.