David Jennison on LinkedIn: 7 Core Pathological Personality Traits (2024)

David Jennison

Integrative Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselor, Content Creator, and Mental Health Advocate, Crafting Empowering Resources for Healing and Growth

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This post provides a comprehensive overview of personality and its implications, highlighting various models such as the Five-Factor Model (FFM), the HEXACO model, and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It highlights the importance of understanding personality in clinical settings, including a suggested seven fundamental traits that "negative" personality designs such as narcissism, antisocial, and borderline personalities all have these 7 underlying traits: compulsivity, detachment, negative affect, psychoticism, disinhibition, antagonism, and submissiveness. This might suggest we identify and target the underlying traits (such as one would for poor executive functioning in ADHD or Autism) to help promote "positive" personality shifts.For a Child:Children require nurturing environments that foster healthy development and emotional regulation. A therapist can provide and recommend stability, emotional validation, positive reinforcement, boundaries, opportunities for emotional expression, social skills development, and trauma-informed care to support their growth.For an Adult:Adults grappling with one or more of the seven core pathological traits may encounter challenges in self-regulation, maintaining healthy relationships, and preserving mental well-being. In therapy, they could benefit from interventions tailored to foster self-awareness, cultivate emotion regulation skills, provide assertiveness training, enhance interpersonal effectiveness, develop coping strategies for stress, facilitate trauma healing, and adopt a holistic approach (supporting deficits in attachment security, parasympathetic activation, core beliefs, etc.) to therapy.By understanding the unique needs of both children and adults with underlying personality traits, therapists can tailor interventions to promote growth, resilience, and overall well-being.

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  • David Jennison

    Integrative Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselor, Content Creator, and Mental Health Advocate, Crafting Empowering Resources for Healing and Growth

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    This is so great! This cartoon, showing an inventive attempt to capture the class's attention, highlighting struggles at home and a need for acknowledgment, reminds us underneith disruptive behavior lies a deeper need for connection and validation (and possibly ADHD!). Parents and Therapists: Collaboration with teachers is crucial in providing effective support. Implementing classroom accommodations and teaching coping skills can empower the child to thrive academically and socially.By acknowledging their struggles and nurturing their strengths, we can help children navigate complexities at home and school and build a foundation for future success.


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  • David Jennison

    Integrative Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselor, Content Creator, and Mental Health Advocate, Crafting Empowering Resources for Healing and Growth

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    In cases such as these, it is hard to separate the state of your health and the lack of care and concern from your partner. There are two ways to look at it. One, your partner is overwhelmed themselves and has been seeking your support for some time which is draining you. Two, your partner is too self concerned to care for anyone beyond their own needs. In the first case, there might be a chance of a relationship if the person can stabilize and become independent first and interdependent later. In the second case, there is no hope for a relationship that includes your emotional and physical needs while your partner is busy filling their own cup. Both deserve serious consideration for communicating what you need for a healthy relationship and setting minimum needs for yourself regardless of the other person's circ*mstances.


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  • David Jennison

    Integrative Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselor, Content Creator, and Mental Health Advocate, Crafting Empowering Resources for Healing and Growth

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    Imagination: The Gateway to Your Hero's JourneyImagination is more than just a flight of fancy. It's the art of image-making, crafting mental landscapes teeming with thoughts, emotions, and sensations. These inner visions are as real as the world around us, yet they hold the potential for the fantastical, the yet-to-be-seen. J.R.R. Tolkien once said that the vividness of our imagination, its relation to reality, and our control over its expression are all part of its mystery and our ability to write our own story—the essence of what we call art.But what role does imagination play in our search for truth and purpose? It's a dual-edged sword—an escape from reality and a journey into a deeper understanding of it. Consider your affinity for elemental forces like fire, water, wind, or earth. Your preference speaks volumes about the myths you weave through the channels of your imagination. As C.S. Lewis observed, myth can be both a reflection of the world and a creation of our minds.Amidst the reflections of imagination, the truth of our realities lies beyond mere thoughts. It's found in the embodiment of our experiences. George MacDonald reminds us that the world we see is our own minds turned inside out. This interplay between our internal world and external reality underscores the quest for meaning and purpose. Our experiences serve as mirrors, revealing the truths we hold dear and the stories we dare to imagine.To unravel the meaning of our personal journey, we can turn to Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces - a symbolic roadmap for inner transformation. Stage 1: Departure marks our transition from the known to the unknown, beckoned by a call to adventure. Embrace uncertainty and take the first step into the unfamiliar, opening yourself to new experiences and opportunities.Stage 2: In the initiation stage, we confront trials, encounter allies and foes, and undergo profound growth. Seek out challenges that push you beyond your comfort zone, knowing that each obstacle is an opportunity for growth. Surround yourself with mentors and supportive individuals who can offer guidance and encouragement along the way.Stage 3: Finally, the return signifies integration and completion, as we bring back the transformed vision to share with our community. Reflect on the lessons learned and the insights gained. Find ways to give back to your community, sharing your newfound wisdom and experiences to inspire and uplift others on their own paths of growth and discovery.Through self-reflection, courage, and perseverance, we navigate our hero's journey, uncovering meaning, purpose, and fulfillment along the way. In essence, imagination serves as the gateway to our hero's journey—a journey that leads us to the heart of our existence. So, let us dare to imagine, to embark on this adventure, and to discover the truths that lie within.#JosephCampbell #JRRTolkien #CSLewis #GeorgeMacDonald #Imagination #Myth #LifeAsArt #Truth #HerosJourney

    • David Jennison on LinkedIn: 7 Core Pathological Personality Traits (7)


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  • David Jennison

    Integrative Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselor, Content Creator, and Mental Health Advocate, Crafting Empowering Resources for Healing and Growth

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    It's essential to recognize the profound significance of sacrificial love in motherhood. Mothers who prioritize their children's needs often foster deep bonds and instill values of empathy, compassion, and selflessness in their children. Research suggests that children raised by altruistic mothers tend to develop stronger emotional intelligence, resilience, and a greater capacity for empathy.Conversely, a child raised by a self-serving mother may experience negative outcomes such as a lack of emotional connection, feelings of neglect, and challenges in developing healthy relationships.While sacrificial love is commendable, it’s crucial for mothers to prioritize self-care and seek support. Building a strong support network within the family unit ensures that both parents contribute to creating a nurturing environment where each member’s needs are valued and attended to.Balancing caregiving responsibilities with personal well-being is essential for maternal mental health and overall family harmony. Guilt often stems from societal expectations rather than internal family dynamics, highlighting the importance of setting boundaries and advocating for one's needs within the family unit.Ultimately, fostering a balance between caring for others and self is vital for maternal well-being and the overall health of the family. Embracing self-care practices, establishing boundaries, and nurturing a supportive family environment can empower mothers to thrive in their caregiving roles while maintaining their own emotional and physical health.There simply is little in this workd more important then our mothers. Lets never forget how much they give out every day for us and find as many ways to give back to ensure they feel loved and are well cared for.


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  • David Jennison

    Integrative Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselor, Content Creator, and Mental Health Advocate, Crafting Empowering Resources for Healing and Growth

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    If any of us could acheive half of what Sue Johnson has in her time on earth - for contributions to in-person support, research and evidence-based outcomes, and a legacy that will help couples understand how to heal from the roots ot their attachment insecurities - we should be so blessed. What a powerhouse of a woman, but as deeply loving as she was couragous and driven. Sad news indeed.


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  • David Jennison

    Integrative Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselor, Content Creator, and Mental Health Advocate, Crafting Empowering Resources for Healing and Growth

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    Facing Fear: Embracing Change for Mental Well-being and SuccessFear touches us all, shaping our decisions and mental state. Recent updates from neuroscience research reveal how fear intertwines with anxiety and depression, beyond the realm of traditional brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. It's about understanding the on/off "switch" that involves neurotransmitters like GABA and glutamate in our brain circuitry.This understanding will likely change our approach to working with anxiety and depression, which seems to be rooted in the primitive fear-based circuitry. While Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) remains pivotal, it's not just about talk therapy anymore. We need hands-on experiences or experiential therapy approaches , actively challenging our fears and witnessing the transformative power of real-life brain training as we learn to overcome our inhibitions and catastrophic predictions.Mindfulness emerges as a crucial ally in this new approach. By blending the non-judgemental approach of mindfulness with CBT, we forge a more solid strategy for positive mental health. This fusion of cognitive restructuring and mindfulness practices equips us with the tools to navigate fear by calming the excitatory neurotransmitters in the amygdala. Integrating mindfulness with CBT creates a robust strategy for mental well-being, combining cognitive restructuring with somatic bottom-up techniques to navigate fear's grip.Glutamate, the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, plays a vital role in the fear center, particularly the amygdala. It facilitates the encoding and consolidation of fear memories, contributing to the formation of fear-based behaviors and responses. Dysregulation of glutamate activity in the amygdala can lead to heightened fear and stress responses, contributing to anxiety disorders and other psychiatric conditions.Recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, particularly regarding GABA activity, bolster the credibility and effectiveness of mindfulness-based CBT. Mental health professionals can now craft tailored treatment plans, addressing each individual's unique needs. Whether through medications targeting GABA receptors or therapeutic interventions rewiring fear-based neural circuits, there's a tangible opportunity to make a profound difference for those grappling with anxiety and depression.Mindfulness-based CBT emerges as a beacon in non-pharmaceutical mental health care. It offers a holistic approach, addressing the complexities of anxiety and depression by bridging brain science and emotional well-being. For anyone seeking mental equilibrium and success, it stands at the forefront of evidence-based treatment plans for rewiring our brain to choose calm amidst the chaos that life is throwing at us. #Anxiety #Depression #MindfulnessCBT #Neuroscience #GABA #Fear

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  • David Jennison

    Integrative Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselor, Content Creator, and Mental Health Advocate, Crafting Empowering Resources for Healing and Growth

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    Simon Sinek reminds us of the power of close friendships in uncovering our true selves and purpose. He stresses the importance of seeking support from trusted friends who can offer insights into our strengths, values, and passions. Through meaningful conversations, we can delve into our "why" and find direction in life. These friendships provide comfort during tough times and clarity about our purpose. By nurturing these relationships and fostering open communication, we not only find truth about who we are to the people that choose us, but also gain confidence to pursue our goals. Ultimately, the connection and understanding from these friendships are key to living a happier, purposeful life.


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  • David Jennison

    Integrative Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselor, Content Creator, and Mental Health Advocate, Crafting Empowering Resources for Healing and Growth

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    I'm excited to join this upcoming event, especially with my background of parenting a neurodivergent child. In my work as a psychotherapist, I've found that prioritizing emotional well-being within families is foundational to preventing and intervening in mental health challenges for both children and parents.Creating an emotionally healthy home environment isn't just beneficial; it's essential. It forms the bedrock for resilience, empathy, and overall fulfillment for every member of the family. Events like these offer a platform to learn from experts, connect with fellow parents facing similar journeys, and share insights from personal and professional experiences. #EmotionalWellness #FamilySupport #Neurodiversity #Parenting


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  • David Jennison

    Integrative Psychotherapist, Clinical Counselor, Content Creator, and Mental Health Advocate, Crafting Empowering Resources for Healing and Growth

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    Unleash Your Work Potential with Myers-Briggs Personality TypingDiscovering your Myers-Briggs personality type can illuminate your work style and preferences, empowering you to leverage your strengths and navigate your weaknesses more effectively. Uncover insights into your approach to decision-making, communication, problem-solving, and organization.Introversion vs. Extroversion:Are you more inclined to:A) Reflect quietly on your thoughts and feelings before deciding = (I)B) Engage with others, seeking external input and interaction = (E)Intuitive vs. Sensing:When solving problems, do you:A) Trust instincts and focus on the big picture = (N)B) Rely on senses and concrete details = (S)Feeling vs. Thinking:In interactions, do you:A) Prioritize empathy and harmony = (F)B) Analyze situations logically and objectively = (T)Judging vs. Perceiving:Do you prefer:A) Structure and planning (J)B) Flexibility and spontaneity (P)Use the four letters you resonated more with above and find you personality type:Analysts:INTJ - The Architect: Dedicated and quick to grasp complexity. May be overly confident and critical.INTP - The Logician: Creative problem-solver with logical decision-making. Tendency to withdraw and be insensitive.ENTJ - The Commander: Strong leadership and determination. Can be domineering and impatient.ENTP - The Debater: Quick-thinking and charismatic. May become argumentative and impatient.Diplomats:INFJ - The Advocate: Creative problem-solving and empathetic listening. Tendency towards perfectionism and reservation.INFP - The Mediator: Open-minded and passionate. Prone to over-optimism and neglect of personal needs.ENFJ - The Protagonist: Inspirational leadership and commitment. May experience burnout and struggle with decisions.ENFP - The Campaigner: Socially charming and creative. May lack focus and become stressed easily.Sentinels:ISTJ - The Logistician: Reliable and thorough with tasks. Difficulty accepting mistakes and seeing beyond facts.ISFJ - The Defender: Supportive and loyal. Tendency towards shyness and taking criticism personally.ESTJ - The Executive: Strong organizer with commitment to tradition. May resist change and struggle with adaptation.ESFJ - The Consul: Sociable and harmonious. Concerned with social status and defensive in criticism.Explorers:ISTP - The Virtuoso: Creative and adaptable. May struggle with forming connections due to introversion.ISFP - The Adventurer: Artistic and empathetic. Prone to competitiveness and discomfort in rigid environments.ESTP - The Entrepreneur: Charismatic and risk-taking. May face challenges in long-term planning due to impulsivity.ESFP - The Entertainer: Energetic and creative. Sensitive to criticism and resistant to routine.Consider taking the full test for for more accuracy.If you have completed an official assessment, I would love to hear your personality type! #PersonalityTypes #WorkStrengths #MyersBriggs

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David Jennison on LinkedIn: 7 Core Pathological Personality Traits (29)


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David Jennison on LinkedIn: 7 Core Pathological Personality Traits (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.